How to Set DMs up for Success with Scheduling in 4 Steps

Operating wireless retail stores with fewer associates than before the pandemic is part of the new normal. In our recent webinar, Shiftlab CEO Devin Shrake shares a 4-step plan for scheduling to help wireless retailers get the most out of their retail associates while saving DMs and managers hours every week.

We’ve launched over 1200 retail locations so far this year, and they’re all following this same 4-step process to help optimize scheduling.

The plan follows a hybrid approach, bringing together the advantages of automation and AI with a collaborative, strategic process where leaders, district managers, store managers, and retail employees all have input into the schedules each week.

Tara Bartlett

Tara Bartlett

Tara joined Shiftlab in 2021, bringing more than 20 years of expertise in SaaS Marketing for high-growth organizations. Tara specializes in writing on topics including retail technology, retail operations, workforce strategy and B2B Saas Marketing. Previous to Shiftlab, Tara worked for iQmetrix where she played a core role overseeing the brand, product marketing and demand generation.

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