Trusted by more than 30,000 retail professionals across North America
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Retail Employee

Empowering retail field teams with access to real-time performance data

Managing retail stores is a huge responsibility. Between changing customer demands, meeting employee needs, staying within budget and hitting KPIs set by corporate, there is a lot to juggle.

Having access to real-time performance data can make all the difference. 

Whether it’s monitoring stores opening on time, overtime trends, shift compliance or more – Store Pulse makes it easy for retail managers to track key performance indicators and make faster, smarter decisions with Shiftlab Store Pulse.

Late Store Opening Notification

Identify Late Store Openings

According to our data, 10% of retail stores open late every day and the average time to resolve is more than 30 minutes. This creates a negative guest experience and results in lost revenue.

With Store Pulse, District Managers can grab a coffee first thing and watch as their stores come online. They can quickly see if a store is late to open or at risk of opening late. From there, they can then see who is on the schedule to quickly resolve.

Manage Overtime

Manage Overtime

At the end of the day, managers can check in with Store Pulse to see if anyone on the team is trending for overtime and make any necessary adjustments to the schedule or budget so there are no surprises for payroll.

Improve Team Communication

With Shiftlab Store Pulse, employees receive timely notifications like shift and break reminders to help them better manage their day. 

Shiftlab Store Pulse App

Stay Compliant

Mid-day, managers can access Store Pulse to ensure team members have taken their scheduled breaks. Missed breaks will be highlighted so that managers can quickly identify and communicate with the corresponding employee.


Store Open Notifications

Store Open Notifications

Store open alerts notify managers and retail leaders when a store is open late so that it can be dealt with quickly.

Real-Time Break Visibility

Real-Time Break Visibility

Retail managers will be notified if an employee is late to take a break or has missed a break, ensuring your organization stays compliant when it comes to breaks. 

Budget Awareness

Budget Awareness

Store Pulse gives managers real-time visibility into labor budgets and trending overtime to ensure they are proactive in managing costs.

Live Labor Dashboards

Live Labor Dashboards

See at a glance who is on the clock at any given location and how they are trending in hours worked versus scheduled or budgeted hours. 

Shift Reminders

Shift Reminders

Automated shift reminders mean your employees will always know when and where they are working. Reminders can be configured by employees to be sent during specific time windows.

Break Reminders

Break Reminders

Break reminders ensure your employees take their breaks at the right time, helping to optimize schedules and avoid compliance violations.

With Store Pulse in place, retail managers can:

Make faster, better decisions that align with your KPIs

Make faster, better decisions that align with your KPIs

Deal with operational issues in real-time

Deal with operational issues in real-time

Communicate more effectively

Communicate more effectively

Trusted by more than 30,000 retail professionals across North America

“Shiftlab makes putting the right people on at the right time an incredibly insightful, yet simple process. The program has helped our business tighten up labour costs, improve scheduling behaviours and given us a positive ROI. The support from the Shiftlab team has been best in class since day one and they are willing to work with us to develop the program even further, to meet our business needs. I would highly recommend the Shiftlab platform to support your team scheduling”.

“Our decision to partner with Shiftlab was a no-brainer as a fast growing business. One of the biggest challenges we faced was keeping up with the front line labor force and their ever changing needs. Shiftlab has been a critical tool to our success since adopting the program early this year”

“We had a lot of issues with scheduling including too much manual labor and human bias into schedule making. Shiftlab solved both problems for us and has helped normalize the entire scheduling process for us with a few clicks! My team loves it. Highly recommend!

Shiftlab Pulse

Frequently Asked Questions

Have a question? We are here to help

What is a Retail Performance Management System?

A retail performance management system continuously evaluates your team's work and KPIs, offers essential insights for managers to operate more efficiently and empowers employees with information to reach their targets. 

How To Choose a Retail Performance Management System?

Look for a retail performance management system that offers data in real time and makes it available to your managers and employees via their mobile devices. Look for a system and partner that is flexible in the data they report on and willing to add new data parameters to meet your needs. 

What are the benefits of a Retail Performance Management System?

The benefits of a Retail Performance Management System include increased operational efficiencies, optimized labor costs, empowered managers and  increased employee engagement.

How does Shiftlab Pulse integrate with employee scheduling software?

Pulse incorporates real-time scheduling data including store opening times, shift start times and mandatory break times as well as labor and budget data to provide managers with real-time data throughout the day. This data helps managers ensure that their stores are opening on time, employees are showing up on time, taking breaks as scheduled and clocking out on time.

On the employee side, Pulse has access to real-time scheduling data to keep employees informed on upcoming shifts, shift changes and break reminders. 

What type of metrics can I track with Pulse?

Pulse enables managers to track store opening times, hours worked, trending OT, budget alerts and shift compliance data like missed breaks. 

Flexible Retail Platform

Shiftlab seamlessly integrates your POS, Traffic, and Time Clock data into a single system.

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Group 57-1-1

Your complete retail performance platform

  • Automated Scheduling
  • AI-Driven Forecasting
  • Smart Timeclock
  • Real-Time Performance Data
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